One of Bernard Shaw’s most glittering comedies, Arms and the Man is also a burlesque of Victorian attitudes to heroism, war and empire. In the contrast between Bluntschli, the mercenary soldier, and the brave leader, Sergius, the true nature of valour is revealed The play takes place during the 1885 Serbo-Bulgarian War. Its heroine, Raina…

BLITHE SPIRIT by Noel Coward

Charles Condomine, a successful novelist, wishes to learn about the occult for a novel he is writing, and he arranges for an eccentric medium, Madame Arcati, to hold a séance at his house. At the séance, she inadvertently summons Charles’s first wife, Elvira, who has been dead for seven years. Madame Arcati leaves after the…

DEATHTRAP by Ira Levin

Sidney Bruhl is a once-successful playwright whose last several productions have flopped at the box office. He then receives a script by a novice writer named Clifford Anderson for a stage thriller entitled Deathtrap. Bruhl tells his wife Myra that the script is brilliant and he then concocts a murder plot whereby he will offer…

THE PRICE by Arthur Miller

In the attic of a soon-to-be-demolished house, two brothers meet after a 16 year estrangement to dispose of their dead parents’ property The first is a policeman who sacrificed his education and probably a career as a scientist to care for his ruined, invalid father. The other, who arrives late, is an eminent surgeon who…


Susan Kerner, a young Boston college student and Larry Eastwood, a young lawyer she’s just met, have been enticed to the Brabissant mansion by the Mackeys, a charming, elderly Irish couple who are struck by Susan’s strong resemblance to Veronica Brabissant, long dead daughter of the family for whom they work They view Veronica’s picture…