MEN’S SINGLES by D. B. Gilles

MEN’S SINGLES is an amusing as well as revealing look at the friendship of three modern American males. Every Tuesday night, Rob, an advertising executive in his twenties, gets together with either Larry, a macho salesman in his mid-thirties, or Kurt, a psychiatrist in his early thirties, for a tennis match. Rob, a New Yorker, yearns…

ROLEPLAY by Alan Ayckbourn

In ROLEPLAY Justin Lazenby and his live-in girlfriend Julie-Ann Dobson are planning to announce their engagement at a dinner party for each other’s parents. Julie-Ann wants everything to be perfect for her conservative mother and father. When she discovers that a dessert fork is missing, she panics and leaves the flat, hoping she can buy a new…


Victor and Harlan are two philosophy professors who have been friends, rivals and tricksters since their college days. But now Harlan has become a Stoic who has adopted a strict unemotional regimen in preparation for the afterlife, while Victor has turned into a wild hedonist who believes that “when you’re dead, you’re dead,” so enjoy…

EDUCATING RITA by Willy Russell

Rita, a young hairdresser, registers for a literature course offered by the Open University, sensing that it will enrich and increase her possibilities in life. During her tutorials, she becomes a different person, gradually liberating herself from the limitations of her working class background, family and marriage. She exchanges the small talk of the hair…

THE CIRCLE by W. Somerset Maugham

Is life a circle, a journey that keeps repeating itself? This seems to be the question the playwright is asking in this amusing play. Lady Kitty, who gave up a boring life with her titled husband to run away with a young adventurer, watches her daughter-in-law, Elizabeth, about to do the same thing thirty years…

CORPSE! by Gerald Moon

CORPSE!, a comedy-thriller, was originally premiered at the American Stage Festival Theatre, Milford, New Hampshire, USA in 1983. Critics were lavish in their praise of the play both in terms of comedy and suspense. In 1984 it was presented in London at the Apollo Theatre with Keith Baxter and Milo O’Shea in the starring roles. The production transferred to…