A TASTE OF HONEY by Shelagh Delaney
The play is set in Salford in northwestern England in the 1950s. It tells the story of Jo, a seventeen-year-old working class girl, and her mother, Helen, who is presented as crude and sexually indiscriminate. Helen leaves Jo alone in their new flat after she begins a relationship with Peter, a rich lover who is…
Bill Manhoff (1919-1974), though perhaps best known for his hit Broadway comedy THE OWL AND THEPUSSYCAT, was a longtime writer for a number of TV series (THE ODD COUPLE, SANFORD ANDSON, ALL IN THE FAMILY, LOVE AMERICAN STYLE, ROOM 222 and THE PARTRIDGEFAMILY). THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT opened in New York in 1964 and…
THE EXORCISM by Don Taylor
Dan and Margaret have come to spend Christmas with Rachel and Edmund in their renovated seventeenth-century cottage. Events become sinister and macabre when Rachel has a feeling of deja vu, the electricity fails, the phone is out of order, and strange happenings esculate out of control.
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW by William Shakespeare, adapted by David Henry
The “Shrew” is Katherina Minola, the eldest daughter of Baptista Minola, a Lord in Padua. Her temper is extremely volatile and no man can control her. She ties her sister to a chair in one scene, and in another attacks a music tutor with his own fiddle. Her younger sister, Bianca Minola, is nubile and…
THE GLASS MENAGERIE by Tennessee Williams
THE GLASS MENAGERIE, Tennessee Williams’s first great hit, opened to critical acclaim in Chicago on December 26, 1944, and then moved on to Broadway where it made its author internationally famous. The play’s setting is St. Louis
WHY NOT STAY FOR BREAKFAST? by Gene Stone and Ray Cooney
WHY NOT STAY FOR BREAKFAST? has never failed to delight audiences, both young and old, with its comic treatment of the generation gap. It was a particular favourite when the English Theatre of Hamburg produced it in 1981 and again in 1989. The comedy opened at the Apollo Theatre, London, in 1973 and played through…