PERFECT WEDDING is a rare combination of riotous farce and touching love story. It has already provoked waves of laughter across Europe and America. Bill wakes up in the bridal suite on his wedding day to find an extremely attractive girl in bed beside him. In his hangover state he cannot remember who she is…

MEN’S SINGLES by D. B. Gilles

MEN’S SINGLES is an amusing as well as revealing look at the friendship of three modern American males. Every Tuesday night, Rob, an advertising executive in his twenties, gets together with either Larry, a macho salesman in his mid-thirties, or Kurt, a psychiatrist in his early thirties, for a tennis match. Rob, a New Yorker, yearns…

ROLEPLAY by Alan Ayckbourn

In ROLEPLAY Justin Lazenby and his live-in girlfriend Julie-Ann Dobson are planning to announce their engagement at a dinner party for each other’s parents. Julie-Ann wants everything to be perfect for her conservative mother and father. When she discovers that a dessert fork is missing, she panics and leaves the flat, hoping she can buy a new…