OTHELLO, written by William Shakespeare between 1601 and 1602, continues to hold audiences spellbound. This suspenseful drama of jealously and betrayal begins in Venice where Othello, a dark-skinned Moor and rising military star, has just chosen Cassio to be his lieutenant instead of the ambitious Iago, who wanted the position for himself. Iago immediately vows…


In This comedy by one of Britain’s most popular playwrights is a brilliantly funny link at the English abroad. Al and Bet lead a quiet, boring life in Yorkshire. After twenty years of working for the same company, he has lost his job and cannot find another one. Frustrated with their life and worried about…


In a retrospective on Canadian theatre in the Toronto Globe & Mail, I’LL BE BACK BEFORE MIDNIGHT! was called “probably the most produced Canadian play ever.” It has had countless productions in Canada, the USA and Europe, placing the author among the top playwrights working in the mystery thriller genre today. The play is an…

ALONE TOGETHER by Lawrence Roman

What’s to be done when grown children return home to live with their parents? George and Helene’s kids have finally left the nest. Now the middle-aged couple are alone together and have time to renew their romance that has suffered while raising the family. Or so they think. Within a week, all three sons come…

DOUBT by John Patrick Shanley

“What do you do when you are not sure?” This is the question posed by this remarkable new play. The setting is a Catholic church and school in New York in 1964. Twelve-year-old Donald starts behaving strangely and is caught with alcohol on his breath. The principal of the school, Sister Aloysius, suspects that the…

TREATS by Christopher Hampton

Why do people make the wrong decisions in matters of love ? This is the life dilemma that prize-winning playwright Christopher Hampton focuses on in this intelligent, witty play about sexual manners and manipulation. Ann has tried to free herself from Dave by taking on a new lover, Patrick, while Dave is away in Iraq.…