I OUGHT TO BE IN PICTURES is the poignant story of a father and daughter trying to pick up the pieces of a broken home. Set in the showbiz world of Hollywood that the author knows so well, it is about a failed scriptwriter whose struggling existence is suddenly shattered by the arrival on his doorstep of his 19-year-old daughter from Brooklyn. He last saw her 16 years ago when the marriage split—since then there has been no contact. She comes with the pretext of pursuing an acting career, but is, in fact, a desperately lonely girl in search of parental warmth and love. And he is certainly not the successful hero she has imagined. Instead, she finds a troubled soul dealing with script rejections, spending more time at the races than at the typewriter, unable to commit himself to another person. How father and daughter piece together their pasts, uncover truths about themselves and lay the ground for a future, is the content of this tender, vibrant comedy.