Rauhnächte – Maison Douce
As the dark season unfolds, we invite you to delve into the ancient mysteries of the „Rauhnächte”, a tradition rooted in pre-Christian times and still celebrated today. Not only in the Alpine regions but also in our urbanlives, providing a source of creativity, introspection, and belonging.
The art collective Maison Douce presents a unique event featuring a lecture, film screening, and immersive performance. Through their captivating documentary and live presentation, you will experience the energy and allure of this enigmatic and magical tradition. Discover the pagan roots, historical background, and artistic practices that continue to thrive in fairytales, rituals, and pop culture.
Join us for a magical evening that transports you to the heart of the Rauhnächte. Explore the mystique of this period between St. Thomas’ Night on December 21st and Epiphany on January 6th, where the veil between worlds thins, and the air is thick with magic and wonder. Immerse yourself in the enchanting artworks, engage with thought-provoking discussions, and witness the timeless rituals that have inspired generations.Maison Douce invites you to a night of art, history, and folklore, celebrating the captivating spell of the Rauhnächte. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to experience a tradition that has fascinated and bewitched for centuries.
As an art collective, we aim to reconnect with the primal forces of ancientrituals, myths, and symbols. We believe in the enduring significance of these expressions of the collective subconscious, that we find in stories, sacred places, and folk traditions – the very origin of art.
While traveling, we conduct interviews, participate in rituals and immerse ourselves in experiences, to later transform and transmute these energies into paintings, performances and film. This concept is also reflected in our artistic process: oil paintings copulate with AI, rituals are performed in nightclubs and archaic incantations are spoken by voice generators.
Maison Douce is an art collective from Germany, run by Lotte Hauss & Marc T. Suess.
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